When I think of ALIEN, I picture a creature with large head, big round eyes, small body and they staring at me, but of course, in my head. If anyone would be asked to imagine aliens, i'm pretty sure they would imagine the same at first instant. By looking at the cartoons, movies, even news, we think as if we know them but only we arent able to find them..

But what if they aren't the way we think they are. This was the question that striked my head yesterday afternoon after i watched the movie"edge of tomorrow". It doesnt have to do with the movie😅; it was just my random thought, but when i went on thinking that topic i thought my idea ain't wrong🙃. I might be right, because you haven't seen those, neither any of us have. There are even those who think they dont exist, but let's not be pessimistic, that means lets believe they exist, and lets agree to "we haven't seen those" or Is It that we have failed to recognize?

In the recent thought of mine, when i stirred my mind, i got to the conclusion that may be aliens have been all along and they have been with us the entire time since the very first evolution of mankind or even any kinds.

We have been forever known that if there were any alien civilization, they would certainly be trying to invade us in one way or the other to become the dominant species in this earth. Now, when i was trying to think this, i thought why cant bacterias or virus or any other little species be aliens? And to prove that i have pretty convincing points to go on:

  • Bacterial pathogens have been trying to invade us, make us seriously ill or even kill us:
    • These nasty little creatures colonize the human hosts. They give our body serious damage with toxins they secrete to make our immune system weaker and weaker, finally to make us ill,
  • Thinking aliens are advanced??🤨, well VirBacteria are also freaking geniuses:
    • Bacterias and viruses have themselves evolved wide range of strategies and methodologies to invade different animals or humans with different self defence mechanisms. Viruses brust out when there are plenty of those and bacterias self reproduce, ultimately both of them trying to invade us.
  • They reproduce, as they do like we do:
    • They seem to be common like us😂.Dont take it for fun, but its really true depecting the fact that as we have been spreading our generations, they also are spreading those, in a rate faster than ours.
  • They are like us all ,they evolve just the way we do:🥴
    • We have been evolving and developing metholodies to be prevented from those since the early ages.Its just the fact that we are abit more ahead of those in evolving and a bit more intellectual.Though we had heard aliens as super-intelligent, who knows.May be they are not as we think.
  • Reason why people can't find them:🙁🤪
    • Scientists and researchers and everyone out there seem pretty curious about aliens, but how could they find them, when they are completely out of track, searching far beyond. The must funniest part is "We all dont know about them, even if they exist or not, but still are searching for the unknown, thinking that they are known."
  • Aliens are extra-terrestrial beings with super intellecutal capability.Oh wait , really?😐
    • Since we got the latter one, its pretty obvious we can get the first one. Actually, in my perspective aliens are both  terrestrial and extraterrestrial. And since they are so tiny, how can someone who landed on moon or mars see them, without microscopes.🔍🔍🔎🔎I dont think they were equipped with any of the tools when they landed on moon, or did they even landed?😶😶"Neil Armstrong known as Neil A. when backspelled becomes "Alien"🤯😱
SO, whether or not aliens exists or not , whether or not VirBacterias are actually aliens, whether or not we are living under simulations of virtual reality, these questions are still not answered, but thinking about them and analyzing the world gives a complete different perspective on how we live.