Are you still stressing how to find the "stresses" in your word?

If you are a grade 12 student or 12th passed student studying with math major, you'd probably encounter about the phoneme and stress as 2 marks question is sure to come from these topics in the engineering exam that you'd be facing in the coming future.So i thought these topics, if covered now, it'd be helpful for you in the coming future.Though, it's totally hard to remember these all points, this article will give you some ideas about how stress works and how we can find the stress in any word given.


1. Stress the first syllable of:
Monosyllabic Words (eg: cat, pet ,man)
Most two-syllable nouns (examples: CLImate, KNOWledge)
Most two-syllable adjectives (examples: FLIPpant, SPAcious) 
2. Stress the last syllable of:
Most two-syllable verbs & prepositions (examples: reQUIRE, deCIDE)
Words ending in -ade, -ee, -ese, -que, -ette, -oon, -ain
3. Stress the second-to-last syllable of:
Words that end in –ic / -ics (examples: ecSTATic, geoGRAPHic )
Words ending in -sion and -tion (examples: exTENsion, retriBUtion)
Words ending in -ia / -io / -ie / -iu / -iou / -ea / -eo /-eu /-eou
4. Stress the third-from-last syllable of:
Words that end in -cy, -ty, -phy and -gy (examples: deMOCracy, unCERtainty, geOGraphy, radiOLogy)
Words that end in -al (examples: exCEPtional, CRItical)
5.   If guidelines fail to work:
For di-syllable word, primary stress on -1st syllable
For tri(3)-syllable word,primary stress on  -1st syllable
For 4-syllable or more, primary stress on -3rd syllable from end.

1. Two-Syllable nouns and adjectives
· In most two syllable nouns and adjectives, the first syllable takes on the stress.

Examples: (SAMples,  CARton  PURple   RAIny   CHIna   HAPpy )

2. Two-Syllable verbs and prepositions
· In most two syllable verbs and prepositions, the stress is on the second syllable.

Examples: (reLAX  reCEIVE  diRECT  aMONG  aSIDE   beTWEEN  deCIDE)

· If word ends at –ate, 2nd syllable is stressed.
· When di-syllabic words have structure prefix+root  or root+suffix ,note that prefix suffix aren’t stressed and root is stressed.                                         
     Eg: (reGAIN , enLARGE , aGO, disLIKE,  imPURE,   inBORN )     &
 (BRIGHTen,  WRECKage, WHITEish,  ACTor,   ACTress)

· Exceptions to be remembered on 2nd syllable:
(  poLICE,    poLITE,  hoTEL,   ciGAR   ,roMANCE,   caREER,     unIQUE,   bamBOO ,  shamPOO   ,ballOON    carTOON,   seCURE,   canTEEN,   pioNEER,   faTIGUE,  presTIGE,    huMANE,    suPERB ,  baZAAR)

3. Three-Syllable words
For three-syllable words, look at the word ending (the suffix), using the following as your guide:  

4. Words ending in er, ly
For three-syllable words ending with the suffixes er or ly, the stress is placed on the first syllable.
 Examples: (ORderly   SIlently   LOvingly   MAnager   GARdener   EAsier )

5.  Words ending in consonants and in y
If there is a word that ends in a consonant or in a y, then the first syllable usually gets the stress.

Examples: (RARity   OPtimal   GRAdient   GEnorous )

6. Words ending in ade, ee, ese, que, ette, oon, ain
Words that use the suffix ade, eeeseeerqueette, or oon have the primary stress actually placed on the suffix ie final syllable
This applies to words of all syllable lengths.  
1. ade: lemoNADE, cruSADE, arCADE
2. ee: aGREE, jamborEE, guaranTEE
3. eer: sightSEER, puppeTEER
4. ese: SiamESE, JapanESE, chEESE
5. ette: cassETTE, CorvETTE, towelETTE 
6. que: unIQUE, physIQUE
7. oon: baLOON, afterNOON, carTOON
8. ain :entarTAIN , detain, reTAIN

7. Stress on the second from the end syllable
You put stress on the second syllable from the end of the word with words ending in icsion, and tion.
( iCONic    GRAPHic   hyperTENsion    teleVIsion    nuTRItion   reveLAtion)
Also for words ending in -ia / -io / -ie / -iu / -iou / -ea / -eo /-eu /-eou

8. Stress on the third from lastsyllable
You put stress on the third from end syllable with words that end in cytyphygy and al. Also can be ve ze se )
(deMOcracy   geOGraphy   ALlergy   NAUtical   CLArity   CRItical  TALkative  CONservative affirmative  COMpromise,                                                              GLAmorize  RECOGnize)

9. Word stress for compound words
A. Compound noun:
A compound noun is a noun made out of two nouns that form one word. In a compound noun, the most stress is on the 1st syllable.Examples:
· SEAfood (sea + food)
· ICEland (ice + land)
· TOOTHpaste (tooth + paste)
· FOOTball (foot + ball)
· BAsketball (basket + ball)
B. Compound adjectives
A compound adjective is an adjective made of at least two words.
Often, hyphens are used in compound adjectives. In compound adjectives, the most stress is placed in the stressed syllable of the second word.  Examples:
· ten-MEter
· rock-SOlid
· fifteen-MInute
· old-FAshioned
C. Compound verbs
A compound verb is when a subject has two or more verbs. The stress is on the second or on the last part.  Examples:
· Matilda loves bread but deTESTS butter.
· Sarah baked cookies and ATE them up. 
· Dogs love to eat bones and love to DRINK water.
D. Noun + compound nouns
Noun + compound Nouns are two word compound nouns. In noun + compound noun, the stress is on the first word.  Examples: (AIRplane mechanic  ,  PROject manager ,  BOARD member )

10. Proper nouns
Proper nouns are specific names of people, places or things. For example: Jeniffer, Spain, Google. 
The second word is always the one that takes the stress
Examples: (North DAKOTA   Mr. SMITH   Apple INCORPORATED)

11. Reflexive pronouns
Reflexive pronouns show that the action affects the person who performs the action. For example: I hit myself. The second syllable usually takes the stress.
Examples: (mySELF   themSELVES   ourselves )

12. Numbers
If the number is a multiple of ten, the stress is placed on the first syllable.  
Examples:( TEN  FIFty  ONE-hundred  )

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